April 8, 2014 – River Valley Room City of Edmonton
The agenda for the public hearing on this plan is now available on the City of Edmonton’s website at http://sirepub.edmonton.ca/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1203&doctype=AGENDA
The Terwillegar Park plan will begin hearing at 1:30 p.m. (although the hearing itself starts at 9:30 p.m. as advertised), so anyone interested in attending to hear or present at this issue, should turn up at the River Valley Room in City Hall at about 1 p.m.
All documents (pdfs) relating to this issue are listed and are clickable to the right of the agenda column online when the agenda item is highlighted. There are more documents than most people will have time to read, but it is worth scrolling through the Environmental Impact Assessment and taking a look at the sections on the environment as well as some of the appendices that show the trail alignments and set out the process and rationale for the options chosen. (Ignore methodology and background literature).
The Site Location Study attempts to show that the project is in line with the City’s various policies and plans. It concludes that the plan will contribute significantly to the Ribbon of Green Master Plan and “will result in increased use of the area and create a unique experience for visitors by providing an extended trail system for play, leisure and recreation.”
A presentation will be made arguing that the proposed trail alignment in Oleskiw has been chosen solely to promote such play and recreation but does the most amount of environmental damage, does not take into account future environmental impact of vastly increased human usage, and generally does not give sufficient emphasis to the integrity and functionality of the river valley as habitat and corridor for vegetation and wildlife.
For more information contact Patsy Cotterill at: nutmeg@planet.eon.net
or Shirley Coulson at: shirleys_mail@shaw.ca