Areas and the Ecological Network in the City of Edmonton: What Do We Know?
Written by Patsy Cotterill
Written by Patsy Cotterill
In the mid and late 1990s I was paying
close attention to the City’s developing policies on natural areas and I even
advocated for the preservation of some of them. After I had finished my
three-year term as a citizen-at-large on the newly constituted Natural Areas Advisory Committee (still
in existence, by the way) in 2005, my interest faded a bit. I switched to
spending my time in the back-breaking but relatively less frustrating pursuits
of salvaging native plants and learning how to grow them, in an alternative
approach to preserving vegetation diversity. However, in 2012 a couple of
events conspired to attract my attention again. One was the coming on stream of
the Horse Hill Area Structure Plan,
which contains several natural areas, and a move by the City’s Office of Biodiversity (OoB) to engage various environment-oriented
organizations within the city to cooperate with each other and with the OoB as
part of a Community Biodiversity Network.
(See the article in the spring issue of the Parkland
Naturalist by Harry Stelfox, the Edmonton Nature Club (ENC)’s
representative on this initiative.) I quickly realized that the City had made
great progress with its policies and even with some on-the-ground retention of
natural areas since I last looked. Having been aware for a long time that the
general public – even the interested public,
such as naturalists, knows even less about these issues than I do, I invited
Angela Hobson, an ecological planner with the OoB and coordinator of the City’s
Master Naturalist Program, to talk
to the ENC’s Plant Study Group. In March
she gave an excellent presentation entitled, Protecting and Managing Biodiversity in an Urban Centre: Challenges and
Opportunities, which was well attended and engendered some lively
commentary. This prompted me to go back to the City’s website to check out some
of the many relevant documents available online. Reading these documents is essential for a
thorough understanding of the City’s vision and policies regarding the
environment and what it calls “natural area systems.” However, for those whose interest is closely
tied to field experiences, of particular interest will be the information on Natural Area Parks, which (unlike many
of the natural areas proper) are accessible to the public. These were
designated as such in the Urban Parks
Management Plan of 2006, and the Parks Branch states that it has been
“educating residents living near natural areas about their structure, function
and value. “ The Natural Area Parks consist predominantly of remnant woodlots
and wetlands in developed neighbourhoods. A list of these parks can be accessed
at complete with a photo of each site, a map ,
and a basic description of its features. The Edmonton Naturalization Group (ENG) intends
to organize informal field trips to several of these sites during the coming
season, and will advertise them on their website. Some sites already have local groups as
caretakers or stewards, and in the future ENG may have a role in assisting with
vegetation management in these sites.